Museums and libraries

“Antonio Marmi” Cinema Museum
A collection of unique cinema machines Thanks to the Marmi family it has been possible to make available to the public, in a permanent exhibition, a rich personal collection of machines, tools and objects relating to the world of cinema and to the historically defined periods Precinema and Archeology of Cinema, prior to the first […]

Auris – Biblioteca F. Selmi
Auris: a library between ancient and modern. The municipal library of Vignola is named after Francesco Selmi (1817-1881), a famous chemist, a man of letters and patriot from Vignola, who, together with the mayor Alessandro Plessi (1824-1907), contributed to its establishment. It was inaugurated on 4 June 1871 and Don Giovanni Rodolfi (1828-1896) was its […]

Palazzo Barozzi
Palazzo Contrari-Boncompagni stands in the square in front of the Rocca di Vignola. It was built at the behest of Count Ercole the Elder Contrari as a new noble residence for the family, entrusted its construction to the “magister / mason” Bartolomeo Tristano of Ferrara on a project by the great Vignola architect Jacopo Barozzi […]

Rocca di Vignola
The Rocca di Vignola is perhaps the most important and beloved symbol of geographical and cultural identity for all Vignola people. In the Vignola experience, and also in the wider one of the entire piedmont area, it is also the sign of a cultural uniqueness which, while feeding on the Emilian humus, has seen different […]

Vignola Civic Museum “Augusta Redorici Roffi”
Geo-mineralogical and paleontological museum, to discover the history of the Panaro Valley